On the work front, amidst varieties of change and turmoil this year, I pretty much spent the second half of 2023 publishing - an eBook boxset, a new laminate hardcover edition of each Ritual Limited title, and the first four formats for All the Fiends of Hell (published April 2024). And I love how these new harcover editions (no dust jacket) look and how solid, velvety and substantial they feel in the hand.
I created the new hardcovers for folks who missed out on the limited first edition but who prefer hardbacks. So, we have moved up to five editions of each of my books. There was a time when my books only appeared in mass market paperbacks and an eBook. Those days are over.
The new hardcovers now available anywhere weird books are sold, including my webstore if you want a signed or personalised copy.


  • Hello Denise. The limited edition hardback has sold out. There were only 600 copies and subscribers to my newsletter order them all. But the book is available in three other formats from retailers and signed paperback copies will be available from our webstore soon too. To preorder the limited hardbacks, folks need to be on the newsletter subscriber list. We will publish a laminate hardcover later in the year too. Butthank you for the interest.

    Adam Nevill
  • Hi there! Are any of the hardcover editions of The Ritual still available? I didn’t see any in your shop. I also didn’t see any in the Amazon store (USA). Double checking in case I’m just not looking in the right places. Thanks very much!
    Denise A. Agnew

    Denise A. Agnew

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