I published a new book in 2024 - ALL THE FIENDS OF HELL - and with some trepidation. It was alien territory for me and also took a long time to land; I nibbled at versions of the ideas and story in a novella, short story and screenplay, over several years, before writing the novel. And yet, the enthusiasm for the book this year has left me feeling relieved, confirmed, grateful and heart-warmed.

A huge salute and my sincerest thanks to the readers and reviewers who have given the book your time, and who have kindly shared your thoughts out there. And a big thank you to Nightworms for including the book in February's package.

In 2024, I also managed to write the first five drafts of a new horror novel. I'm currently grinding out line-edit drafts and will finally stop tinkering and complete the novel in January. With the team, I'll then begin the long critical path of producing multiple formats of the book, to be published in time for Halloween 2025. More details about the new book are coming soon; in my newsletter first and you can sign-up for that at www.adamlgnevill.com (and get a free book).

Beyond my desk, I've often been preoccupied with adapting the house to our needs and taste (and removing curses) after our move in late 2023. But, I have also managed to get onto the sea in my kayak, and numerous times despite the wind. I've also filled another year with Sea Nevill shenanigans, books, films and music. Multiple shit-shows, out there in the world, didn't extend an invitation for me to join in either. For all of this, and more, I remain grateful.

Sending my best vibes for '25 to family and friends, and my mates and readers in the horror tribe. I hope that horror, in the new year, remains inside your books and films ... and seeps no further.


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