I can’t decide with any certainty, right now, what is appropriate to post in my various channels. But after a few days of feeling by turns winded, angry, anxious, worryingly “clinical” in my thinking, continually overwhelmed by information (and sometimes I even giggle, which may or may not be a good sign) … I have decided to continue working and writing as usual. Back at my desk today. I will be constantly swallowing the spectre of futility that will try and perch on my shoulder as I continue with various works-in-progress, upon which I pressed pause about 4 days ago.
Some announcements are coming in my newsletter soon – most news goes there first.
Meanwhile, the second half of my chat with Bob and Mike at This is Horror is available. This was the latter stage of a mammoth chat that lasted hours, so they split it in half. This half includes: folk horror, extreme horror, researching ‘The Reddening’ and its inspirations, different approaches to planning and then writing a novel, and some ideas about the differences between British and American horror.
One thing I learned from listening to this podcast: I really need to cut “erm” out of my speech entirely. Apologies in advance for the “erms”.
Anyway, it is there if you have the time and headspace.